During and after our first adoption I was very involved in keeping in touch and following the progress of all my blogger friends. By Fall of 2009, it had became harder to find the time to blog and the changes in our lives with Bill working/living out of town during the week, coupled with Nick's age and his reaction to the situation made it really hard to keep up so I stopped. I stopped blogging, I stopped reading blogs (regularly) and I pretty much withdrew from the community. Granted, I would check in here and there but rarely commented. I feel guilty about disappearing for 1.5 years and then coming back on the scene. The good part about it is that I am slowly getting caught up on all the wonderful events that have gone on since I checked out. So many families have gone back to Russia to build their families and it is just wonderful. Late last summer, as Bill and I began talking about going back for a second adoption, I found inspriration in those of you that had started the process for a second (or third) time. Thank you all!
Now, with our homestudy complete in early January, it was time to work on our Dossier. We received the list of documents from our agency, 65 to be notarized and apostilled. On our first adoption it took us 2-3 months to pull everything together. We can't figure out why it took us so long! This time we set a goal of 2 weeks and almost made it. We have all the docs in hand and by tomorrow evening everything with be notarized. Hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday we'll have everything apostilled. It feels really good to have this part of the process almost done!
I'm closing with a picture of Nick from Christmas as he anxiously awaited Santa's arrival at brunch.
11 years ago