We leave tomorrow for Moscow and I'm very excited, thats how I feel, very excited. And scared and nervous and very excited.
We spent the day finishing up preparations for the trip. I think we're there, we're ready to go. Bags are packed, and unusually light I might add. One of my most noteworthy packing accomplishments would be the fact that I'm taking just one pair of shoes plus the ones I'm wearing. That is a new record for me! Baby stuff is definitely more important than one more pair of shoes.
But seriously, I worry that I've forgotten something important. Although part of me wonders how this could be possible given that I have about 20 lists of things to do, things to buy and things to pack. Surely that elusive item has made it onto one of these lists...right? I did have a good day in terms of my lists. I think the list makers out there would agree, when you get to cross all the items off the list that is really good (and pretty rare, at least with my lists). One more thing about lists and then I'll be done. Have you ever added an item to a list, that you've already completed just so you can cross it off your list? I have.
I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow. I hope everything goes well. I think its going to be incredible. We'll try to post while we're away. I told Bill we would have to be silly and take pictures in Dulles and Munich and everywhere we go so we have something to post. He was really excited about that!
11 years ago
Dear Meg and Bill,
I woke up this morning so excited for the two of you. I look forward to reading your stories as you get closer and closer to meeting your little one. As a fellow list-maker, I have to say that "Preparing for Baby/Child" is a never ending list so get ready for a fun ride and stock up on the paper and pen collection!!
Stephanie Merrick, Your Fellow Wahoo and Book Lover
Meghan, this blog is a great idea. We are excited for you both. As I said in my email, I want to formally apply for aunt, godmother or what ever position is open. Keep us posted on the adventure. We can't wait to hear more. Christine, Edward, Nicole & Kelly Wyche
Dear Meg and Bill,
I am sooo glad you have the blog! What a great idea. I am praying for all 3 of you and hope all goes according to plan.
Keep us updated whenever you can!
Love ya'
Kim Weber
Dear Meg and Bill,
This is a great idea, and I can feel your excitement exploding from my computer screen as I read the blog. I can't wait to read the next installments. (Also, speaking for myself, I have often added items to my lists that I've already completed -- I normally feel quite self-righteous about the ethics of doing that.)
Love, Tim, Teresa and Shaylin
Dear Meg and Bill,
This is a great idea, and I can feel your excitement exploding from my computer screen as I read the blog. I can't wait to read the next installments. (Also, speaking for myself, I have often added items to my lists that I've already completed -- I normally feel quite self-righteous about the ethics of doing that.)
Love, Tim, Teresa and Shaylin
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