This week has been quiet. We've had two outings. The first was a trip to Stranges, our local Garden Nursery, to buy some flowers for the deck. Due to expecting to travel all summer, I didn't buy any new flowers for the deck because I thought they would die from neglect (even though the plants that we did have out there thrived while my nephew Sam stayed at the house). Now that we're home and spending more time outside I decided it was time to beautify the deck.
So, earlier this week I packed Nick up and we drove over to Stranges. I went to the back of the car to get the stroller and it wasn't there. OOPs! We had gone for a walk the day before and I forgot that the stroller wasn't in the car. We drove back home to get the stroller and then back to the store, I was determined to get the flowers. I thought this additional trip back and forth might not have been the smartest move on my part because I wasn't sure whether Nick would be able to last, turned out that he was fine.
Pushing a stroller around along with one of those large plant carts is not easy. I'm glad they weren't crowded because I would have been running into everyone, not to mention I think it was quite the spectacle (I kept losing control of the cart). I probably should have ditched the stroller for the Ergo carrier, except there is the small issue that I usually get leaked on when Nick is in the carrier, so I have only used it at home!
We picked up a few mums, a bunch of winter-hardy pansies, and a couple decorative cabbages. I had a small issue fitting all the plants in the car with the stroller, I forgot how much room it takes up. After a bit of rearranging I fit everything the car and made it home safe and sound. It only took me the next three days to get everything potted and arranged outside. I am glad though, it is much more pleasant out there with some color!
Our second outing was a trip to my office, to see my coworkers and introduce Nick to everyone, plus I had a bit of business to tend to. My original intent was to try to get in and out in an hour or so. I thought meeting so many people might be hard on Nick and didn't want to overdo it.
We had a great visit and it was so sweet that everyone I contacted (on short notice too) came to meet Nick and say hi! My coworkers were so supportive of me through the process, thanks everyone.
Nick is a bit slow to warm up to new people, but before I knew it he was playing peek-a-boo with Will and James and football with Rick and Disha. I have to thank Disha for keeping an eye on Nick for a while so that I could chat with everyone. Nick was on the move the whole time and I couldn't finish a sentence without him running around a corner or down the opposite hallway.
Our visit ended up lasting 2 hours, much longer than I had planned. By the last 10 minutes I was just trying to get us out of there before Nick went completely ballistic. I definitely overstayed and need to remember that he has his limits.
Other than our little adventures, I have a couple of updates and need some more advice.
Eating: Nick has started showing signs of self-regulation. What I mean by this is that he has started indicating that he is done at meal time. I have tried showing him the sign for All Done. He does this sometimes. The other indicators that he is finished are that he spits out his food (after chewing it up; but sometimes he chews the food, spits it out, and then puts it back in and eats it...nice) or he reaches for the back of the bib where it attaches.
Signing: We are still working on signing with Nick. His signing repetoire consists of More, Drink, Cheerios, GoldFish, All Done (sometimes), Yummy (not really a sign but thats ok) and Hat. He sometime mixes up the sign for Drink and Cheerios. I am going to work on Please next, I don't quite know how I'll get this across.
Advice: I'd like to get Nick a ride on toy and I'm looking for suggestions. I have a couple of ideas but can't seem to narrow it down. Plus there are so many options. I'm looking for something that he will ride and that will keep him occupied for more than one minute.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Sharing lunch with Abby
Preparing to kiss Spike
Hugging Spike Gently
Where's Dinner?
We are so happy for you both! Nick is such a cutie! We cant wait to meet him. I had to laugh about the peeing comment. My two were born 16 months apart and I can remember when patrick would get his diaper off and as soon as the air hit it I got soaked, no matter how quick I was I got it. I did not have a clean dry shirt for years. I was happy when both were finally out of diapers and drinking from cups! I found that there is a ride on car that also has a handle on the back that they can use to walk with, it gives them something to pull up and walk with. There also was storage under the seat. my two loved it and it gave me some time to think. You could look at second hand shops to find one. it is cheap and if they dont like it , it did not cost you a fortune! Enjoy the time when he is young , they grow up very fast . Cherish every moment and milestone he does.
Let me know if you discover the perfect diaper. I get leaked on quite a bit myself...although not in the Ergo yet.
I have tried several things and have found two things that work. We rarely have a leak in the Pampers Baby Dry diapers. The cruisers leak on us in the front also. You can also buy something called a diaper doubler for a few bucks. You just attch them in the diaper (like a pad) and off to bed they go. It's bulky, but it works. As for a ride on toy, we found a cute hippo that picks up the peek a boo blocks and that's lots of fun. Good luck!
Hey! for the ride on toy. We got Caty a Pooh train from Target (for about $30-$40). It has the storage seat, blows bubbles (we never used that as we kept it indoors), sings and all the whistles. It has a handle in the back to push it around. For the diaper (I know I don't have boys!!!), but my sister used to say try to point the you know what down, so the pee goes into the diaper and not out of the diaper!
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