Hi Everyone,
Today Bill gets to post, because your normal correspondent is a little busy. I am too of course. So lets see, we picked Nick up at around 1PM, did the goodbyes at the orphanage and headed home. We got home at 2:30 and had a few minutes of playtime, before we had cherrios, cookies and juice for a snack. After this, things got a little dicey. We tried to get him to take a nap (at the orphanage he takes one at 3PM). We finally gave up at 6PM and played until 7PM. At 7PM we had a tasty meal of Chicken and then some Blueberries and Apples (The Hipp food seemed to hit the spot). After dinner was bath time. He loved bath time, but when it was over, he didn't seem too happy. At 8PM Meghan tried to put him down for the night. I stayed in the kitchen and listened to the crying. It took until about 9PM for him to fall asleep (Meghan thinks this wasn't too bad). While all of this was going on, I cooked some dinner for Meghan and myself and we finally sat down to eat our first meal of the day at 9PM. We need to do better today with our finding time to eat.
Well, the good news is Nick slept through the night until 6AM (Meghan and I didn't do as well). So up at 6AM for a big morning. He was great, he hardly cried when we woke up. I played with him while Meghan made oatmeal with fresh apple. He is such a happy baby when he is rested, just doesn't like to go to sleep. He does eat well, breakfast was tasty. It is 8:15 now, and it appears that he may already be ready for a nap. Meghan is strapping him in to the ergo carrier to see if he might settle down. We will see...
11 years ago
Like father, like son when it comes to getting to sleep.
Love Grandma
Well that went pretty well I would say! Imagine spending the first night of your entire (albeit young) life in a strange place with people you can't understand! I think he did magnificently, as did you guys. Just don't forget to eat and sleep...not enough of either make for cranky parents :)
Can't wait to hear and see more!
I am so happy for you! Sleep seems to be the big issue with our special babies. I think it just takes time and a dose of patience. I am learning both :). I am glad that your son is forever in your arms!
Christa Sumwalt
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